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Shooting & Accessories

  • Training Bag
    $288.21 Training Bag
    This premium quality striking bag is the original ''Light Bag'' for Law Enforcement Defensive Tactics and Impact Weapon Instruction. Each bag offers a visual cue to correct use. The ASP on the front and back of the bag will...

  • Raven Concealment Systems BALOR - RMR Mount Glock 9/40/.357
    $211.99 Choose Options Raven Concealment Systems BALOR - RMR Mount Glock 9/40/.357
        Balor RDS - RMR G9 (Red-Dot Sight Mount) Designed to fit Glock pistols, the Balor Mount allows the user to non-permanently mount an Aimpoint® Micro T1 or H1, Trijicon® RMR or Holosun 507c to their...

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